Sercifer 03.10.2023 996

Imperial Crystalline Entombment Interview

Imperial Crystalline Entombment is a band that impressed me from day one with their first album “Apocalyptic End in White” (2004), and even though I listened to it years after its original release, I did everything possible to get the CD, and I remember Those years the album was still cheap and I was able to get it, but from 2010 onwards the album in its first printing cost immensely expensive. But that was due to two factors, just from those years people began to investigate the past of disappeared bands, the retro waves of Thrash Metal, Heavy Metal began to appear and many bands from the 90s reappeared with new albums. It was there that sellers in many places began to see the first I.C.E. album. like a jewel lost in time and everything that retro movements do. So, last year I spoke with Ron Vento, one of the founders of this band due to the latest release of his other band Aurora Borealis, and he told me that this album “Ancient Glacial Resurgence” was completely finished and that he was finishing the details with Debemur Morti Productions for its release this 2023, 19 years after their first album and 20 years of the band's existence.


Para leer la entrevista en español: Entrevista a Imperial Crystalline Entombment


Metallerium: Welcome I.C.E. to the pages of Metallerium. It's a great pleasure to talk to you about the band, this new album, and more things related to the metal world. We will start by asking, what were the reasons for returning to I.C.E. in 2023 with a new album?


I.C.E.: The repetitive howling shrieks of the "Astral Frost Invocation" from the loyal mortal servants below, have opened the archaic portal and reanimated I.C.E. once more to reign over Earth so that we may begin the second wave of convulsing frigid annihilation. We decided nothing. We are merely weapons for Råvaskeith. The mortal servants’ repetitive cries summoned us. We have been revived from the rage of their passion and have arisen from our tomb once more. Our spirits possessed our hibernative bodies around the winter of this past year and we rejoined on the astral plane to manifest this crystalline hate over the earth for a second time.


Metallerium: When "Apocalyptic End in White" (2004) came out, it was an album that few people knew about at the time. Discs in their first version now cost between 50 and even 70 USD for a second-hand copy. So, how does the band see this issue of reissuing the first album on CD or tape? Because I saw that they only made it in a vinyl version through Ixiol Productions. Will a reissue of your first album be able to see the light of day for those who couldn't get it at the time? And why on vinyl? By the way, I have my copy of the first press on CD.


I.C.E.: We welcome all releases and promotions in any format. Any contributions from the mortal servants that help to spread the arctic power and energy of emptiness of the great orbital Råvaskeith to all creatures are welcome. We plan on continuing our barrage of endless brutal blasts until all succumb and cower under the hail of ice and snow. It is eternal as is the veil of ancient astral fluid that circumvents the universe.



Metallerium: I remember when I heard the first album, the first thing that stuck in my head from the lyrics is "We are fuckin I.C.E." in "Astral Frost Invocation" and now again heard in "Into a Frigid Bleak Infinity" "We are still fucking I.C.E." So why did you decide to perform this shout out again after 19 years? And what does Imperial Crystalline Entombment mean to you? Talking about the concept of the name.


I.C.E.: We are, and always will be entombed within the frozen grip of Råvaskeith. It is only fitting that this world is reminded of the continual upcoming onslaught - the apocalyptic deluge of crystalline hypothermia. The world needs to know that we are still here, and always have been, toiling away to create the downfall of all existence. We are going to put out as many releases into the universe as possible until our work is complete. Imperial Crystalline Entombment is the most relevant combination of human words we could use to represent the force and power behind this seething frozen hate regime of the almighty Råvaskieth. Imperial is the army of cosmic emptiness, Imperial is each spirit of astral Banshee fluid within our icy veins, Imperial will be the reign of the blinding new order that is to come....likewise, Crystalline is the unified heart of Råvakeith's mortal servants and slaves alike, Crystalline is the writhing soul of the ancient, waiting behind the vast supernovas' of cold space, Crystalline, and Imperial this mighty force will ravage and entomb this tiny planet within its abominable frozen grasp, destroying all life in a hailstorm of ice and snow forevermore. We are Imperial Crystalline Entombment.


Metallerium: Now talking about the concept of the band and especially about the ice and white of your presentations on your covers. What were the reasons for leaning towards that white and frozen concept? And why from the beginning are there always four characters on the covers of your productions?


I.C.E.: We did not create our image; it was created for us...The clothing we wear simply conceals us amongst the vast frozen landscape during our communions. We need not be disturbed by any who may spot our ritual gatherings. Most often we are led to deep caverns below the glacial frost, but we also need open and vast snow-covered flats to perform invocations with the astral winds of the ancient fluid. Also, these cloaks and masks conceal and hide our now sunken and frozen bodies...hideous flesh as we go through the transformation. We feel nothing and our blood now pumps sheer ice. Our masks further conceal not only our sunken flesh, but any symbolic reference to our once-human identities, while instilling the cold, bleak, and blank face of the crystalline spirit on the tips of our features for all humans to reflect upon. We were brought together as four but created in the image of the ONE. The abysmal bleak white light that was before all gods surges through our veins and we were created as weapons to bring the ultimate uncreation to fruition.



Metallerium: When I heard I.C.E. on your first album 19 years ago, I was always hoping to see you live someday, and obviously I tried to look for some home videos of a band performance and it never happened. So, after 20 years of being formed, what are the expectations of playing live with I.C.E.? Or will it just be a session project?


I.C.E.: We have gathered to create these mortal soundscapes, to have those who instinctively feel the ever-rising pull of the orbital Råvaskeith, to rejoice in the return to old, and prepare for death with open arms, while we scorn and blaspheme the ignorant hope filled human race with hatred and contempt. Appearing life would be an ideal way to gather these damned souls to succumb to an even greater magnetic pull of the distant archaic crystal fields. We welcome this, but at the same time, our work must be done. It takes much time and painstaking sacrifice to channel the correct astral wave for the ancient Råvakeith to manifest. We were called for a reason, and that goal must be achieved. Perhaps while on our travels from the northern pole to the southern, and vice versa, while continuing the aurora alignment rituals we might feel the engraved human plight to perhaps appear at a gathering ritual before the mortal servants worldwide, as we have taken such time to record this album but only time shall tell. We are gathering and preparing, and we are ready.    


Metallerium: How would you describe the sensations that the band's music has? Because for me it is as I said in my review, it is murderous, aggressive, violent, and merciless music. 


I.C.E.: The sensations are like a concaving cathartic pain within your brain and soul, the voice and sonic hatred of the almighty Råvaskeith will spill forth and enter your solarplexes with a convulsing violent thrust, taking control of all your corporeal limbs and motions. The whirlwind blizzard of screaming and violent thrashing will encase your thoughts with the imagery of what will come of your pathetic human frail existence. The End will come in blinding white and snow....such glimpses of the frozen apocalypse will leave you subconsciously begging for more, knowing:...YOU SHOULD NOT BE HERE....THE END IS NEAR... Cosmic, cold, and ancient, the chaos gods of ICE shall return to rule once more!!!  



Metallerium: I recently spoke with Niklas from Shining, who told me that the true Black Metal is the one that is aggressive and violent, the rest is not considered Black Metal, because it has to be frontal for you to realize the darkness in the music. What are your opinions about this concept? Do you think that violence can be a factor that calls darkness more directly?  


I.C.E.: Most absolutely yes! I think this person knows the essence of the true calling of the original anti-gods. We are here to mercilessly obliterate all life in the most violent way possible. It is inevitable, honest, and true. All creatures ultimately respond to the very root of creation itself and that is violence. It is also the way that creation must end.  


Metallerium: We're very close to finishing this interview, I.C.E., so. What are the future plans that the band has for this new album? Videos, maybe more albums, or who knows?  


I.C.E.: There is nothing else in our lives/death apart from ICE. We were given a new life, and until our mission is complete, ICE and the summoning of the END shall be the way. We will continue to thrive amongst the northlands, hidden within caverns of ice and snow, communing with the ONE. Your children shall continue to be abducted by us and skinned within the piercing blizzard winds of astral nebulae. You mortals are so quick to inquire about more ICE, more death, more misery, more hateful blasting. It is no wonder that your deaths will come swift and painful the way you subconsciously desire them to be....because primarily deep down, you know what should be. The end of life, the rise of the Råvaskieth, and the rightful frozen universal kingdom!  



Metallerium: One day I read an article about how free will in entertainment is controlled or directed by big capital and algorithms. And it's not like in the 80s and 90s anymore that you liked something because of the cover or because you just found it attractive. Within that article, it was said that free will is lost, especially for the new generations who are looking for whatever they are on YouTube and Google asking for answers. So, do you think that free will within the area of entertainment is lost? And how does this issue of algorithms affect your vision of making music?  


I.C.E.: Most definitely. All hope is lost. This world is spiraling downward into a slavemind mentality. It is brought on by the selfishness of the minority of individuals working behind the scenes against the majority. Humanity is killing itself at the same time as we are attacking it. All minds and souls are becoming frozen in helplessness to the giant machine that must be destroyed. The matrix is just a small microcosm of the broader spaces between spaces that are filled with the blinding light of the original white glow of the ONE. We are here to release that abysmal light and open the portal to the frozen destruction of ALL worlds, not only your already dying one. Humans without knowing are already aiding our work of frigid encapsulation. Nothing will ever be the same again.  


Metallerium: Well, I.C.E., the sad moment came in this interview. Congratulations on this new album, it's great. I hope you liked the interview and maybe you have something to add to your Latin fans and Metallerium readers.  


I.C.E.: Those of you who have always looked at this existence and known that something is not right, something is look with hate and misanthropy...ICE is for open your souls and have the great eye of Råvaskieth stare into you. Feel the hate, and when the cold winds come and the screaming begins....take your knife with you into the snow and bury yourself deep, then and only then will you who understand, perish in emptiness without the vicious pain of the astral cosmic regime...



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Metallerium 2002 - 2023

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