Sercifer 19.02.2022 1047

Abscession interview (Thomas Clifford)

Abscession Swedish band in 2021 presented one of the best Death Metal proposals called “Rot of Ages” released through Transcending Obscurity Records. Therefore, Metallerium agreed to an interview with Thomas Clifford, vocalist of this extreme band from Sweden. Who tells us about the band, their new album, and other things.


Si deseas leer la entrevista en español: Entrevista a Abscession 


Metallerium: Welcome Thomas to Metallerium webzine pages, it’s a great pleasure to talk with you about the band, this new album, and more matters in the metal world. Talking about this “Rot of Ages”. For you, what are the biggest difference that exists in this new one compared with the first one?  And this album was written during the pandemic? Or was it before?



Abscession: Greetings Metallerium readers! It’s great to be here. Our new album “Rot of Ages” is indeed different in some ways from our previous one, “Grave Offerings” (2015). Especially I think people will notice that my vocals have changed. I got throat problems from my old way of growling and had to reinvent my vocal style completely. It’s all for the good since I now have a lot better “range”, stamina and clarity, plus a fiercer “attack” to the vocals. So, it all came out good in the end!
The album was actually written before the pandemic, then we looked for a label and found Transcending Obscurity. The album was set to be released in 2019 but suffered a massive delay due to the pandemic. Finally, it is out!


Metallerium: You started your carrier with “Death Incarnate” released by Suffer Productions, then you change the label to Final Gate Records for “Grave Offerings” and now you’re with Transcending Obscurity Records for this new “Rot of Ages”. Tell me, how was Final Gate Records work in the past? And how are things now with Kunal from Transcending Obscurity Records? Do you already have more productions prepared under his label?


Abscession:  Final Gate was a pretty passive label, although it’s run by a good dude who cares for his bands. It is very underground though, so it was hard to get the album out to the zines and fans. I think we did ok anyway, all things considered. I put in a lot of work marketing and promoting that album myself.

With Transcending Obscurity Records it’s different - we have gotten a lot of PR and track premieres, etc so it’s pretty great to have a well-connected label that is on the rise. We are currently working on a new album but we have to discuss with Transcending Obscurity Records if they will be interested in releasing it too. Otherwise, we’ll find someone else to do it, I think it will be easier now that Rot of Ages has become quite talked about in the press and among fans.


Metallerium: This year brought me two great albums when we talk about the Swedish death metal style. The first one is “To Hell” from The Generals and now you with “Rot of Ages”. Is it possible to go beyond the sound created by bands from the 90s and by the HM2? And what would be the grain of sand that Abscession has to get out of the common denominator of bands within its style?


Abscession: Well, yes, it is absolutely possible to go beyond it. Some new bands seem to say “Hmm we should sound exactly like Dismember or Entombed” and then they try very hard but almost all ultimately fail to live up to those heroes of old. We never really did that, instead, we just write the music we like in the way we know-how, and it ends up with an old-school sound but a modern production and some twists and turns of our own. Using the HM2 makes a lot of people connect us with the Stockholm scene, but I also see some mention of the Gothenburg (melodic death) scene. It fits well since my hometown is situated pretty much between Sthlm and GBG. So perhaps we have influences from both chainsaw death and melodic death…


Metallerium: Listening to both albums from you I denoted one thing. Into the songs “Downfall pt. 1” and “Rot of Ages”. The band uses a clean vocal as a part of the personal sound of Abscession. Is it possible that this element will continue in subsequent productions? And who did the vocal parts on both songs?


Abscession: It will most probably return in some way or form. We are big fans of Edge of Sanity and Dan Swano music in general, so for us, it felt like a natural thing to add some cleans (without overdoing it). Skaldir did those cleans on both songs and man does he have the voice for it! Actually, those songs are a bit connected thematically, even though “Rot of Ages” isn’t the official “Part 2” of Downfall (that track has been planned for a long time, ever since we released “Grave Offerings” (2015)).


Metallerium: One of the biggest aspects of this new album is the amazing cover from Adam Burke. Do you help him to create this cover art? Or was it created by yourself with some sketches?


Abscession: It was actually created by Burke before we even talked to him. He sent me a few finished works and I immediately fell in love with this artwork that screamed “Rot Of Ages” at me as soon as I saw it. It was and is perfect.


Metallerium: A detail that came with the info of the new album is the band’s country. Where I can see Sweden and Germany as the main countries for the band and I was tried to find some photos of the band alive and I can’t find it. Abscession is a studio band? Or perhaps in the future, you will play a few shows?


Abscession: We are a studio band but have talked about doing some gigs in the future. Nothing is set yet though. Promoters can get in touch if interested!


Metallerium:  Related to this. What is your opinion about digital concerts? Coz this option fits perfectly to Abscession for the members in other parts of Europe?


Abscession: I think it’s fine as a pandemic thing, but honestly, I prefer watching old proper live shows where the bands connect with the audience. The talks in between tracks, the feeling of the crowd, and so on are so important.


Metallerium: In the last years, the classic Death Metal began to saturate, because many bands begin to have better economic resources. In addition, today there are many independent labels that produce different physical formats (vinyl, tapes, CDs). Also, we talked to Tomb Mold, Necrowretch and other bands about the old-school Death Metal going to saturate in the next 5-10 years and the style will decay in creativity. Do you think old-school Death Metal will saturate for years to come? How do you see the Death Metal in 10 years?


Abscession: I think a lot of music genres are already over-saturated, especially since it became so easy for anyone to record and release music. I don’t think it matters too much though because the good stuff usually floats up and the “shit” sinks. But of course, it’s hard to breakthrough in the sheer number of bands. I can’t see the future so I have no idea where it will be in 10 years...


Metallerium: Into the matter of how an underground band and a conventional band was should be considered, there are patterns that more vinyl or cassette productions stick to the underground concept, and the CD only expanded the collections of the fans. What do you think are the factors for fans to stick to this underground metal concept? And where are located the digital platforms?


Abscession: I think vinyl and tape are an old-school analog format that gives a lot of nostalgia to people. Vinyl is awesome because of the artwork and warm analog sound. Tape is awesome because it is small, cheap, easy to carry with you and distribute. CDs are fine but ultimately a digital format, and why not just consume digital music online instead. Still, the CD can produce a great sound and the packaging can be damn cool too. Just look at the casket box our label produces for the Rot of Ages digipak!


Metallerium: According to you, where is located the vinyl, tape, and CD into the metal scene nowadays, are these physical underground formats? Or are these mainstream formats? Coz as I said into the previous question, some people of this new generation prefer to hear an album in Vynil or Tape and not CD.


Abscession: I think vinyl and CD are kinds of the mainstream now. Tape is still sort of underground but grows every day. I think it’s a matter of packaging, nostalgia and even pack mentality (“everyone collects vinyl so maybe I should too?”). I say this as an avid vinyl and tape collector myself so don’t take it too seriously (laughs).


Metallerium: Another detail is about the listening methods of the fans, coz this new generation prefers to hear one or two songs on the digital platforms. What are you think about the albums doesn’t have the same impact in comparison to the 80s or 90s? And what do bands need to do to improve the listening of all songs in albums?


Abscession: The album format has sadly been diminished by digital platforms and instant access. Back in the day, you bought an album, and then you had to listen to it until you learned to like it because it was damn expensive for a kid. Today if an artist doesn’t catch you in the first minute or less, you just move on.


Though I believe in the metal scene people are more devoted to albums as an art form and it still works for a lot of artists and people.


Metallerium: Well Thomas, the sad time arrived at this interview, I hope you enjoy this one as I did, and thank you very much for your time. Congratulations on the new album. It’s an amazing one. Take care during this pandemic situation and our best wishes from this part of the world. Any last words for your fans in Latin America and Metallerium readers?


Abscession: Thank you so much for reaching out to our fans in Latin America - stay strong, stay safe and stay true! Death is Life!



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