Sercifer 07.12.2023 1201

Asagraum Interview (Obscura)

Asagraum is a band that since its first album “Potestas Magicum Diaboli” (2017) I saw mentioned in many promotion centers as one of the revelations of Black Metal in recent years. So I started listening to that album hoping that that ostentatious idea with many comments would resonate in my ears, but as the minutes passed on that album, I heard a well-made and executed band, but nothing like other bands equally new in their moment would be doing. Then, the band began to have much more presence in concerts, tours, and comments, having a very rapid rise at a general level until this third studio album called “Veil of Death, Ruptured” released through Edged Circle Productions


Para leer la entrevista en español: Entrevista a Asagraum


Metallerium: Welcome Obscura to Metallerim website! Thank you very much for taking the time for this first interview, hopefully, not the last one. First of all, How are you? How is the band Asagraum?  


Asagraum:  We are doing great! Very satisfied with the reactions to our new album and the sales status, and there are a lot of good shows coming up. We are the most excited to play Wacken Open Air this summer, more great shows are being planned and we hope to schedule an American tour in the autumn of next year.  


Metallerium: This is our first interview, so for our readers and Latin American bangers who have not listened to the band yet. Can you introduce the band Asagraum? What does Asagraum mean? What are your influences? What motivated you to create a band?  


Asagraum:  We are a satanic, traditional second-wave black metal band with a touch of psychedelic influences. I have been listening to black metal since I was a young teenager in the early 2000s and am mainly inspired by the older albums of Gorgoroth, Watain, Behexen, Sargeist. and from the newer era of black metal Svartidåudi. Black Metal and Satanism have been very important in my life since I discovered them, and I wanted to be a black metal musician since I was 14 years old and started playing guitar. I am very proud of my achievements in this and will continue on this path as long as I can!  



Metallerium: Probably this is a common question but Why did you decide to create a Female Black Metal band? Was this aspect something that came naturally or was this planned from the beginning?  


Asagraum:  The band started with only me and the previous female drummer. I noticed that this aspect drew a lot of extra attention, so this was an important reason to maintain a female lineup. Another reason is that I was in bands with only men for many years and it was kind of refreshing for me to be in a female band and find the sisterhood that comes with that if done properly.  


Metallerium: In your opinion, Is it more difficult to be a female band in the Black Metal scene? Or do you consider it an advantage maybe?  


Asagraum:  It’s only an advantage. Any girls from other bands who state the opposite probably suck as musicians or promote some kind of ridiculous image. It was insanely easy for us to become very popular with proper, traditional, satanic, true female black metal!  


Metallerium: Well, by now you have released 3 albums. Did the process of composition and recording change through the years? Do you compose new songs while on a tour or Do you prefer to do it in a quiet place like in a studio or at home?  


Asagraum:  I only compose and record alone at home or in nature on holiday. The process didn’t change at all, I just think and hope I got a bit better through the years of experience as a musician.  



Metallerium: Your previous record was released in 2019. Why did it take 4 years to release a new album? Considering that the pandemic with its lockdowns were used by many bands to work on new songs.  


Asagraum:  The lockdown was very bad for my motivation and mental health, I wasn’t inspired at all being incarcerated by the government.  


Metallerium: In your own words, How would you define this new album “Veil Of Death Ruptured” in terms of lyrics and sound?  


Asagraum:  A devilish brood with the pitch-black chill and psychedelic alienation of “Potestas magicum diaboli” and the fiery aggression of “Dawn of infinite fire” in one record, refined by our extra years of musical experience.  


Metallerium: Do you think that by this time in your career after releasing “Veil Of Death Ruptured” you already have your sound defined? Or do you think that there are possibilities to explore other sounds?  

Asagraum:  We have a defined sound that will not change drastically anytime soon, though the 4th album might include some more technical elements and guitar leads since I got more interested in that lately.  



Metallerium: What are your plans after releasing the new album? Are there chances to see you in this part of the world again? If I’m not wrong you already came, What do you remember about coming to South America?  


Asagraum:  We have come to Latin America 3 times already and it has only been very pleasant! Great audience, a lot of nice places to see and I love the tropical climate. We are doing all we can to arrange another long tour to the USA/ Latin America in the autumn of 2024!  


Metallerium: What does satanism mean to you? Also, how important is corpse paint for you considering that nowadays we can find many Black Metal bands that are not using it anymore?  


Asagraum:  Satan represents the opposite of the god in Abrahamic religions… the god who demands obedience and the following of authority. Satan stands for complete freedom to create one’s reality and for complete responsibility for one’s own life, actions, and creations. In the spiritual sense, Satan is a force in the universe that we create according to our will with ritual black magic, earthly action, and the most powerful combination of both.  


Metallerium: Between your fans, you probably find some of them that share the same ideas as you, while others may be atheists or even Catholics which is very common in South America. How do you deal with this situation?  


Asagraum:  I don’t believe any real devoted catholic will want to attend our concerts, as it is very obvious what we stand for. If they do anyway, they are probably on their way to a wiser view of things.  



Metallerium: Your sound reminds me of Scandinavian Black Metal from the 90s in many cases but we know that some of these 90s bands evolved their sound by introducing new elements like symphonic for example. How do you see the Black Metal scene nowadays from your perspective? Do you still have time to listen to new bands or are you the kind of person that prefers to listen to the bands that inspired you?  


Asagraum:  I usually prefer to listen to older black metal, but I’m sure there are great new black metal bands as well and sometimes I discover these.  


Metallerium: In addition, How is the Metal scene in your country after the pandemic? Any bands you would like to recommend to us?  


Asagraum:  We’ve been sharing the stage with Helleruin lately and they are very good. Sammath are good friends of mine and if you like very extreme and brutal stuff this is something to look for as well!  


Metallerium: Thanks a lot for your time and congratulations on the new album. Is there something you want to say to Metallerium readers and your fans in Latin America?  


Asagraum:  Thanks for your time and hope to see you soon on one of our Rituals! Hail Satan! 



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