Sercifer 25.04.2024 151

Vltimas Interview (Rune)

Segundo álbum de esta banda que tiene como protagonista al ex-Morbid Angel David Vincent en la voz, y aunque los demás integrantes tienen un currículum pesado también, es Vincent siempre el gancho para si quiera darle play a Vltimas, que no intenta ser un calco de alguna otra banda, si no que siguen su propio camino. "Epic" está más que recomendado, una vez más hay buena música. Por ello, Metallerium entrevistó a Rune, guitarrista de la banda.  


Para leer la entrevista en español: Entrevista a Vltimas  


Metallerium: ¡Welcome Rune to Metallerium website! It is a pleasure to talk with you about the band Vltimas, the new album “Epic'' and other things related to music! First, how are you? How has the band been?  


Vltimas: Hey. I am doing pretty good thanks. It's been a few hectic months with initial press and some shows around Europe to promote the record, I tell you. But now I'm back in Portugal and preparing myself for both new adventures as well as the summer festivals we, Vltimas, have lined up for this year. Kickoff is in Iceland at the newly started Satan festival, alongside Solstafir amongst others. Really looking forward to it.    


Metallerium: "Epic" marks your return after five years. How does it compare to "Something Wicked Marches In" in terms of sound, lyrical themes, and overall musical approach?  


Vltimas: There´s a red line in between these 2 records, which is unmistakenly Vltimas IMO. Sure, some of the songs are a bit slower, and quite possibly “easier” to get into, some are also a tad more atmospheric, which is possibly due to the pandemic at the time and the heavy mindset we all experienced, but as with the first album, there are hints and traces of pretty much everything we have in our arsenal on Epic. It's fast, it's groovy, it has power and dedication, and the unmistakable signature of the 3 individuals involved in the songwriting. Personally, I hear it as a natural succession from the first one and further, as a band working towards the same, common goal as we did on the first album. Again, it's all unmistakenly Vltimas.    



Metallerium: ¿Can you elaborate on the title “Epic”? What does it represent for the band and the album's content?    


Vltimas: Fun fact, I had saved a musical idea in my Cubase folder with the same exact working title back in 2021 or so. I was just fooling around with my guitar at home at the time when this specific riff came up, and I recorded it and dubbed it Epic (now called Volens Discordant) just as a reference for myself. When I sent this idea out to David and Flo through email, it already had the Epic title, so I believe the album title became Epic based on this riff. This riff was also extracted directly from my Cubase folder and placed directly on the album under the title “Volens Discordant, as I mentioned here earlier.   So, this idea was not recorded as a part of the studio session for the album, but in my own living room years prior. Further, I believe the Epic-ness of the album speaks for itself. It's a frame of mind, a way of life, and a justification of the album and the songs themselves.  


Metallerium: "Something Wicked Marches In" received good reviews for the perfect fusion of styles of each band member, what was the collaborative process like to maintain a balance between individual influences in writing new songs for " Epic"? What were some of the biggest creative challenges you faced while writing and recording "Epic”?  


Vltimas: Well, there were a few, let's call them “sacrifices' to create the best possible result. But the sacrifices ended up being what the album needed for us to grow as a band. There is slightly more room for the vocals this time, which was a conscious decision, and to achieve this some of the instruments must “hold back” a bit to create the right dynamics. It's an interesting way of working because, this way every instrument will have its moment to shine, as opposed to a full-on assault from the get-go, which is very boring and flat in my opinion. To add to this thought, there is also a very designated place for guitar solos on this record, again highlighting what I said earlier. It has more of a classic songwriting feel to it, which perhaps was inevitable, considering the kind of music we all grew up on, you know. My childhood faves were possibly Judas Priest, Kiss, and Motorhead, all with classic yet distinctive song structures. I guess this shone through slightly more than what it did on the first record. A full-circle approach, perhaps.      



Metallerium: The chemistry between you as a musician is something that stood out in many reviews of your debut album. How have you continued to develop and strengthen that chemistry in the creation of “Epic”?  


Vltimas: I think the strength is the camaraderie and synergy between us, to be honest with you. That's what shines through in Vltimas. That's what essentially ties it all in, despite our different musical backgrounds.    


Metallerium: Some critics have described Vltimas as a "supergroup" due to the band's influential members of the extreme metal scene. How do you guys feel about this label, and do you think it has affected your creative process? Did you feel any additional pressure when creating music for “Epic" after the success of "Something Wicked Marches In" and the high expectations from fans and critics? Also, do you embrace this label, ¿or do you feel it overshadows the individual and collective musical identity of the band?  


Vltimas: Personally, I am not the biggest fan of this description, this kinda labeling of bands, as I think it can do more damage than good if you follow me. You´re almost automatically met with a certain amount of skepticism and doubt. Somehow you must prove yourself time and time again when put in a box like this, as hardly anyone will listen with open ears and an open mind. Anyway, this does not affect the creative process at all. We are all seasoned musicians and know what we want and how to get the desired results. So, to continue that thought, there was no hesitation on where to go musically, lyrically, etc after the debut. It all came naturally, as it should. It’s all just stuff jammed out in the rehearsal room by the 3 of us and treated accordingly. If we like it, then it stays, etc.  



Metallerium: Fans are eager to know if they have plans to take their music to Latin America on tour. ¿Can you share anything about your future touring plans and if you include Latin America in your agenda?  


Vltimas: Well, I can tell you that there is nothing more I want than to tour Latin America. And believe me, we have tried, but without success so far. The thing is, we are all scattered all over the place, and getting everyone together requires a lot of planning and a solid economic backup. I guess this is the reason we haven't toured over there yet. But we are still in talks of doing something in 2025, so I am crossing my fingers for this to happen. Would be amazing. For 2024, the focus is, once again, Europe, and doing the more typical promotion routine.    


Metallerium: ¿Beyond “Epic,” what are your long-term goals for Vltimas? ¿Do you envision continuing as a band and exploring new musical territories in the future?  


Vltimas: Yeah, I believe we will try to further explore what's in this band, and see where it can end up, so to speak. The next album will most likely be a slightly different affair again, but it will be unmistakably Vltimas, I can assure you this much. It might be more brutal, might be more atmospheric passages, for now, it's too early to say. However, there is a lot of material we have lying about which is more than strong enough. It's not what I'd call leftover material, but more like ideas that weren't really explored during our last few sessions. You can only write so many songs in a “go” so yeah, we have probably about 6-8 untouched ideas so far. And that is not counting the new ones that we usually come up with on the spot. So yeah, if the riffs keep coming and we find it rewarding, why not see how far we can take this, you know?    


Metallerium: Talking about other topics. The role of AI is rapidly evolving in various fields, including music and visual arts. Do you see any potential benefits or drawbacks for extreme metal in the future with the rise of AI-generated music or artwork? Would you ever consider collaborating with AI in any creative capacity, perhaps for song composition, instrumental aspects, or album artwork?  


Vltimas: Well, first, you are asking a guy who believes “we” should have stopped advancing in technology about 25 years ago, haha. Nah, kinda joking here, but there is some truth to it. I am not a fan of the new tools, trends, or whatever you want to call it. It just pulls us further away from spirituality, the core of mystery and creation and general wellbeing IMO. Regarding using AI in some way in the future; probably not. I mean, I am saying this now, but who knows what will happen in the future. I am not opposed to changing my mind either, otherwise, I'd be a silly, stubborn old man, hehe. I try to have an open mind in most areas of life but again, I find myself walking barefoot on the grass more often than interfering with new technology. And I'd rather hold a shamanic drum in my hands than a new piece of whatever the latest hip thing is, you know. This won't change. And dare I say I am getting more adamant about this as the years go by. Daydreaming about not being dependent on the internet and these digital sources etc.    



Metallerium: ¿As veterans in the extreme metal scene, what advice would you give to aspiring musicians who are passionate about this genre and want to make their mark on the world?    


Vltimas: Hmm, tough one. Be yourself. Practice really hard. Don't be afraid to be different. Don't be afraid of going the untrodden path. Don't tell anyone about your plans. Work harder. It's a myriad of bands out there today and it's getting harder and harder to make an impact. But this doesn't mean it's impossible, just that it's harder. So, if you really think you have something special, and you are in this with your heart 110%, then give it all you got. What else can we do?  


Metallerium: ¡Again, thanks for your time, and congratulations on the new album! Anything you want to say to your fans in Latin America and Metallerium’s readers?


Vltimas: Thank you once again for the interview. As I mentioned earlier, I am really hoping to make it to your beautiful territories with Vltimas sometime in 2025. We will certainly continue to push for it! Stay strong!  



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