Sercifer 26.03.2024 240

Vincent Crowley Interview

Beyond Acheron” (2021) by Vincent Crowley was an album that left a good taste in the mouth on a general level, presenting a new facet of musicians who previously resided in Acheron, where I remember having an interview with Vincent. He told me that the band is not a personal one or like other names within metal, they only used their name to have another focus, but not to be a solo project in general. So, after 3 years we have this new album in the studio called “Anthology of Horror” and this time under the tutelage of Hammerheart Records.


Para leer la entrevista en español: Entrevista a Vincent Crowley


Metallerium: Welcome to Metallerium website. Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. First of all, How are you?  


Vincent Crowley: Thanks for having me on your webzine. I am doing very well. The new Vincent Crowley album “Anthology of Horror” just came out on February 23rd, and I am very excited about this new reléase.  


Metallerium: “Beyond Acheron”, your first album was released in 2021 and those were difficult times due to the pandemic. Now that the situation is better, How are you feeling about the results of that album and the fan’s response?   


Vincent Crowley: When the COVID-19 situation hit hard, we were limited on what we could do. Luckily, for us, we still were able to write music, rehearse, and eventually record “Beyond Acheron”. It was the perfect time to really focus on the music. The fans were very supportive of that álbum and we also made a lot of new ones, that weren’t familiar with my past band Acheron. It has been a great experience.  


Metallerium: Now you are releasing “Anthology of Horror” on February 23rd. When did you begin to work on these songs? Where did the inspiration come from for the music and lyrics?  


Vincent Crowley: The band started working on music for the new álbum right after the reléase of “Beyond Acheron”. Many of the pandemic restrictions were still in place, so we didn’t want to waste any time. Lyrically, the inspiration came from my admiration of Horror literature and films. Along with dark tales of the macabre that have been spread around for years. Musically, we focused on our Metal roots. Stuff like King Diamond, Mercyful Fate, Candlemass, Venom, and Black Sabbath, but with an old-school Death Metal Edge.  



Metallerium: ¿What is the idea behind “Anthology of Horror”? Why did you choose that name for the album?  


Vincent Crowley: The álbum was created to be an audio experience that puts the listener into a special place that makes them feel the same way it would be as watching an anthology movie, such as Tales From The Crypt and Creepshow, but with a more dark feel, like the old Hammer Film anthologies. And the álbum is just that, an anthology of horror.  


Metallerium: ¿In terms of sound, What can we expect from this new album instead of the previous one?  


Vincent Crowley: We have expanded the musical feel to complement each story. Whatever the song needed to enhance the mood and atmosphere, we incorporated it. We didn’t focus on making the álbum all sound the same. It was more important to treat each song as its own character.   


Metallerium: ¿Which was the most difficult song to work with when you were composing the album?  


Vincent Crowley: I don’t think we had any issues with any of the songs. They all flowed very well in the studio since we were very tuned in to what we doing. We took our time recording and made sure everything was very organic.  



Metallerium: ¿What are your plans after releasing “Anthology of Horror”?   


Vincent Crowley: Now, it is time to get out there and start doing live shows to promote the álbum. We are presently looking for festivals and shows to get on. And slowly, we are starting to put together new material for the next álbum. I already have some interesting ideas for a follow-up álbum.  


Metallerium: You were with Acheron for around 3 decades and now you are starting again with Vincent Crowley. How are you feeling about this new beginning? Does the whole experience you have from the previous band make you feel more confident when you work on new material?   


Vincent Crowley: It is a very humbling thing. It is basically, starting completely over again. But that is a great feeling to me. It keeps me fresh and hungry. My 30 years in Acheron gave me a lot of experience and knowledge to apply to this band. I’m very comfortable in the studio and it has been great hitting the stage again.  


Metallerium: Probably some fans will look for things in common with Acheron in terms of sound. What would you say are some of the key elements of the sound of Vincent Crowley's band?  


Vincent Crowley: I don’t think this band sounds like Acheron, but of course, since I am one of the main songwriters, my style indeed is there. I can see some of the darker and doomy songs from Acheron having some similarities, but it isn’t created in the same way.  



Metallerium: ¿How is your relationship with all the technology is bringing to us? I mean, in past decades the underground scene was different, now an underground band can upload a song to a streaming platform, and suddenly thousands of people from all around the world may be listening to their songs. ¿Can we still consider this underground? What is your perspective on the underground scene?   


Vincent Crowley: The true Underground really doesn’t exist anymore. Things are way too accessible to what it is. But the underground spirit still exists. And to me, it is basically just being true to yourself as an artist and not submitting to the mainstream masses. Even if this band becomes really successful, I will always be an underground warrior. No label will ever tell me what to do, no music media will ever sway my way of thinking, and the most important thing is to create music with a passion, not for the sole purpose of just selling albums.  


After saying that, you still have to adapt to modern-day things like streaming and downloads. I don’t really mind it, as long as the people who really support the band pick up a physical copy of the reléase to help keep the band alive. Sales of these things keep bands on labels and help them to continue to make more records in the future. I miss the old zine days. And in the last few years, I have seen Youtube channels that kind of do that in that format. That is actually why I have an official Vincent Crowley channel on YouTube and get more interactive with the fans these days. It has been a great thing to get re-connected with a lot of interesting people in the YouTube Metal community.    


Metallerium: Now that we mentioned technology, Artificial Intelligence is spreading everywhere and art is not the exception, for example recently Deicide has been accused of using cover art made by an AI. What is your opinion about the introduction of these tools in the art? ¿Do you see yourself using it for cover art or helping you in the composition of new songs?   


Vincent Crowley: Personally, I don’t like it at all. My attitude is using a real artist who can convey your ideas is the best way to go. AI has no human personality or emotions, and that is exactly what you get within the artwork. I will never use AI for my music, álbum covers, or t-shirt designs. I have no need for it. Plus, it is a bit scary how dependent society is relying on AI. The machines will one day take over, if we let them. And that is just a fact.   I can understand people liking to play around with it for things that aren’t serious or for fun, but in real life, we need true human creations.  



Metallerium: ¿Before we finish, Is there anything you want to say to your fans in Latin America and Metallerium readers?   


Vincent Crowley: I’ve always had a great connection with the Latin American fans, and I owe a lot of my success to them. I have played in many Latin countries and have always been treated well. Doing shows there has been one of the highlights of my career. I hope everyone picks up a copy of the new Vincent Crowley álbum “Anthology of Horror” on Hammerheart Records. And hopefully, Vincent Crowley can come over there and play some festivals or shows. Thanks for so many years of support! The ride isn’t over yet! See ya soon!  


Metallerium: ¡Thanks a lot for your time and congratulations on the new album!  


Vincent Crowley: My pleasure! And thank you very much!  



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Metallerium 2002 - 2023

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