Sercifer 02.05.2024 785

Kawir Interview

Kydoimos” is the ninth album by this Greek band called Kawir, which mixes its black metal very well with a few folkloric elements, and bases its lyrics on the rich Greek history, which remains a constant characteristic in its discography. That's why Metallerium interviewed this band.  


Para leer la entrevista en español: Entrevista a Kawir  


Metallerium: Welcome to Metallerium website! Thank you very much for taking the time for this interview. First, how are you?  


Kawir: Hello my friend thanks for asking to take the opportunity and inform the people who might not know it, I suffered a heart attack 2 years ago which required surgery and the installation of 2 stents but now I feel slowly getting stronger and it is time after almost 5 years to be on the road again.  


Metallerium: Your new album "Kydoimos" is set to be released on April 19th. What can you tell us about the themes and sounds explored on this record? How does it compare to your previous work, such as "Αδράστεια"?  


Kawir: the previous 2 albums exilasmos and Adrasteia were almost like the same concept being heavily influenced by tragic poetry and heroic figures of these mythological cycles, sharing a lot in terms of themes and execution. Now with Kydoimos name which comes from the personification of battle, the music follows the theme, so it is less lyrical or melodic, darker, and more aggressive.  


Metallerium: The artwork for "Kydoimos" is captivating and features a battle scene. What is the significance of this imagery to the album's concept?  


Kawir: sorry I don’t understand your question, there is no battle scene on the cover it’s a photo of the band at the ancient theatre of Dionysos destroyed by Christians.  



Metallerium: After five years since "Αδράστεια" what were some of the challenges and breakthroughs you experienced while creating "Kydoimos"?  


Kawir: This was not a planned interval as most of the compositions for the album were done during the first quarantine in 2020 but with the 2 long and very strict quarantines we had in Greece and my health issues right afterward, it wasn’t possible to finish the process and record the album till now.  


Metallerium: With the release of "Kydoimos" do you have any upcoming touring plans? Will you be performing internationally, and are there any countries you'd particularly like to visit?  


Kawir: we are currently in conversations so we are still arranging things which will be announced when finalized. The presentation of the album will happen in Athens along with Ancient and Sad in Under the pagan moon fest 3 next month on the 1st of May and afterward, we will see where the road will take us. After such a long interval we are ready to visit all countries anew.  


Metallerium: Kawir has been a prominent figure in the Greek black metal scene for over 30 years. What message do you hope to convey to your fans with "Kydoimos"?  


Kawir: we are back stronger than ever although it is also sad that because of the pandemic, quite a few of our friends won’t be here to celebrate with us as they lost the battle with the virus. The message is that life is a constant battlefield and that war, figuratively or in the literal sense is the father of all so we all must stand strong and live our lives with this in mind. Choose your battles wisely and find higher goals to dedicate yourselves to.  



Metallerium: The Greek black metal scene is renowned for its unique style and atmosphere. How would you describe Kawir's place within this scene, and what are some of the bands that have influenced you?  


Kawir: well as a kid I was influenced by Black Sabbath and Bathory but I found my path as I grew up, which I walk upon gaining new experiences and understandings which then usually affect the music as well. Still, no matter the differences between the various albums Kawir holds in essence and all compositions the distinctive traits of our signature soundscapes and themes.  


Metallerium: In recent years, Greek black metal has gained more international recognition. What are your thoughts on the growth of the scene, and how do you see Kawir contributing to it?  


Kawir: The Greek black metal scene is not only one of the first, having the characteristics that distinguish it from the black metal works of other country bands but has been a very active and productive one as well constantly releasing great albums. It has probably remained a mostly underground scene in the shadow of northern Europe’s acts mostly because of the difficulties artists face in Greece, like economic and lack of support. Kawir I believe has been a steady pillar in this scene, despite all the difficulties since the beginning, being on top of that probably the most recognizable in the specific pagan black metal subgenre.  



Metallerium: For aspiring black metal bands emerging from Greece, what advice would you give them in terms of carving their sound and standing out in the scene?  

Kawir: There is no specific recipe for such things. Also, standing out, or making innovations that might lead to a signature sound are fine but not the most important elements in the process of artistic expression. What I would advise is for the artist to stay true to themselves, embrace their personal expressive needs, and enjoy within the Company of the Muses.  


Metallerium: Your lyrics are written in ancient Greek, which is a unique and challenging approach. What are the benefits and drawbacks of using this language in your music?  

Kawir: Lyrics are mostly in ancient Greek, being from ancient texts like hymns, etc, but also modern Greek in later albums where a modern storytelling approach was needed. The drawback is that language might be a barrier for a broader international audience, but on the other hand amidst the countless releases every year, mainly in the English language, using ancient or modern Greek carries, along with the music, its special message. It is a message that could not be conveyed using another language and, in a sense, pays tribute to our history, mythology, and higher forces in the appropriate way.  



Metallerium: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the music industry, especially for touring bands. How has Kawir adapted to these challenges, and what are your hopes for the future of live music?  


Kawir: Exactly because of the pandemic and health issues hiatus we didn’t have to actively adapt but were forced to situations out of our hands. Indeed, the pandemic or better, the psychological changes people experienced during that time are still present and people struggle to overcome them. Surely a rise of individualism, pessimism, and diminishing of will and energy is observed throughout European societies which of course affects artists, touring, etc. Hopefully, this is just a phase that will pass cause no matter the technological means the personal experience, the need for proximity and direct experience that live shows offer cannot be substituted and it’s something that improves people’s lives, in contrast to the individual “consumption” of products by demand.  


Metallerium: Well, people of Kawir, the end of this interview has come, I hope you enjoyed this one as I did, thank you very much for your time, and congratulations on this first album. Anything you want to say to your news Latin American fans and Metallerium readers?  


Kawir: As the poet Pablo Neruda said, find your Macchu Picchu and rise above the ladder of the earth till you reach it. Stay true and strong and we hope to meet you soon.   Then up the ladder of the earth, I have risen, through the awful tangles of lost forests, up to you, my friend, Macchu Picchu High city of laddered stones, at last, final dwelling for those whom earthliness did not hide in its sleeping garments. In you, like two parallel lines, the cradle for lightning and people would be rocked in a wind of thorns.   Mother of stone, condors' sperm, and spray. High reef of the human dawn.      



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